
Life is Now …Live it or Kill it!

Addiction of Pain!

He holds on to a Pain & try to define life around it. But, pain is only in the mind they say …let it go, forget & forgive, for how its has profligate you so far. Every moments draws out a new way of life. And, but, it takes ‘YOU’ to walk that path for better.

He doesn’t, but he doesn’t, he can’t over come the addiction of pain. It is overwhelming & painfully satisfies the urge of it to be constant. He circle around the Pain, in that vicious cycle. Like trapped in a blinding well of hopelessness with no means of escaping.

In a dark night, there are stars with hope, reminding him of  things, that can be better. Still he ignore them, as if preaching faith to an atheist. He upholds the Pain believing it as the Alpha & Omega & goes on deep within himself to the unknown, denying the worlds solemn. He is happy the most, lost almost & walks to the infinity of erosion…

Pain is in the Mind, they say!

Crow Crows Crap

I bought Chocolates…
Crow: For whom?

Me: For the Crow.
Crow: Which Crow?

Me: The black Crow.
Crow: For which black crow?

Me: The one who sits on the Guava tree.
Crow: Crap!

Me: Seriously.
Crow: For Me!
Me: Yea.
Crow: Ohhoo…

Samsung Muzik F219 Phone!

Some need of the time.
I gotta had it.

Bluetooth Headset…

I got this new Bluetooth Headset.
Model Samsung WEP495.
Its really cool 🙂

My Choice of Weapon Vs the Monkey!

Next time they invade my domain…

The odds would be different, I have a weapon of choice now!

And a health drink to complement my already powerful body…So all U monkeys, bring it on, the HeMan is waiting for U!

Hundai DVD Player – Damaged!


I was not using it for quite some time & when suddenly I tried t use it, It was not working. No Power, think something wrong with Power adapter.

Man I hadly use the player & that to specifically for only listning to some old MP3 disk.
I costed me around Rs 3 Grand & now I haven’t played more than 30 disk with it.

My Soldering Iron!

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Look at that, isn’t that pretty?
Well thats not exactly my Soldering Iron, but mine looks pretty similar.
I use to have one when I was at school, working on my electronic projects.
But I think I misplaced it some where. So I got a new one.
Its Phillips 30 watt Soldering Iron & for Rs 150/- I think its a nice deal.

Isko laga dala to life jinga la-la!

I got the Tata Sky
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The service is excellent… (Hope Tata guys don’t make me change the statement. :nono_tb: )
But I think They will have to work a lot with the software to aline it.
The banner is very big on the screen, the response time is very slow, the menu & banner color are pathetic & bla bla, a lot of bitchin I can do. Tata Sky, U listing?

But still I can say…
One small step for a mankind, one giant leap for me. :clap_tb:

Got a Vegitable Vase!

Hi P e o p l e, :bye_tb:
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Saw that? Yea, it has Lemon Slices, Tomato, Carrot & Green Chilli packed in a bottle filled with some anti-microbial liquid or somthing I guess. The bottomline is…It looks good!